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RATANY(Krameria parvifolia)

Ratany is a low-growing, intricately branched shrub, found on desert slopes and dry flats in the Sonoran, Chihuahuan and Mojave Deserts. It has small, greyish leaves and distinctive purple flowers about 2 cm diameter.

Flowering ratany bush

For most of the year this plant could easily be overlooked because its twiggy appearance and grey-green foliage are unexceptional. But when it flowers (between April and October) the bush assumes a bright purple colour. Each flower is composed of 5 large sepals and 3 much smaller petals.

Ratany flower and leaves. Note that the 5 large sepals are the most conspicuous part of the flower.

Ratany is an interesting plant because it is partly parasitic on other desert plants. Its roots invade the roots of other plants to obtain water and mineral nutrients. Similar behaviour is found in owl clover.

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